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Remember & Honor

MAY 27, 2024



Memorial Day in Stafford

​The Stafford Memorial Day Parade & Ceremonies serve as a solemn tribute to all who have served in uniform and as a poignant recognition of the sacrifices made by those who laid down their lives for our nation. The day begins with solemn dedications at five local cemeteries at 7:00 am, followed by the Memorial Day Parade at 11:00 am, a vibrant tribute to our armed forces. The day's events reach their conclusion with a moving memorial service at the American Legion Post 26, starting approximately at 11:45 am.

Cemetery Memorial Services

For over a century, the Stafford community has honored departed Veterans at each of the town's five major cemeteries. This tradition, upheld by the dedicated members of the American Legion Post 26 and VFW Post 990, extends an open invitation to the public to participate in these graveside observances, honoring the memory of local veterans. The following schedule is set to unfold on Memorial Day, May 27, 2024, come rain or shine. Your presence in honoring these individuals, alongside all our heroes, is sincerely encouraged.


7:00 a.m.

Stafford Springs Cemetery

Jay E. Watson, SP4, US Army, Vietnam, Purple Heart

7:30 a.m.

St. Edward Cemetery

Joseph Paradiso (father), US Army & F. Joseph Paradiso (son), PVT, US Army

8:00 a.m. 

West Stafford Cemetery

Joseph Negrelli, Jr. A1C, USAF, Korea

8:30 a.m.

Hillside Cemetery

Richard C. Rudge, Gy Sgt, Spanish American War, WW1, USMC


9:00 a.m.

Staffordville Cemetery

Floyd R. Zabilansky, Seaman2, USN, WW2

11:00 a.m.

Wall of Honor

Ceremony on Olympic Avenue (during Memorial Day Parade)




Memorial Day Parade

A long-standing tradition, the Stafford Memorial Day Parade celebrates all those who have served in uniform and honors those who have given their lives for our country.


Following the morning cemetery observance, the Stafford Memorial Day Parade will step off at 11:00 a.m. sharp from Furnace Avenue, proceeds west on Main Street, pauses at the Wall of Honor for a brief ceremony, and concludes at the American Legion Post 26 with a memorial service immediately following (10 Monson Road).


The procession features veterans and dignitaries, antique cars, marching bands, color guards, schools, scouts, sports teams, and more! If you'd like to join the procession. All are welcome to participate and help salute those who have served our country. 

Parade Route

Steps off from the corner of East Main Street and Furnace Avenue, proceeds up Main Street to West Main Street, with a processional pause at the Wall of Honor (Olympic Circle), then continues down Olympic Avenue, and concludes at the American Legion Post 26 (10 Monson Road) with a Memorial Day Program immediately following (approximately 11:45AM).

Parade Line-up: 

Begins at 10:00am on Furnace Avenue

  • Please register to be a parade participant, which helps organize anticipated entrants.

  • For the safety of our parade marchers and attendees, lower Furnace Ave, from East Main Street to Silver Street, will be blocked off for staging.

  • All participating floats/vehicles MUST enter Furnace Avenue via Orcuttville Road/Route 319 or Edgewood Street.

    Do not distribute commercial advertisements or promotional items. The focus is paying tribute to the courageous men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the country’s armed forces.

  • Upon registration completion, further logistical details will be sent to the registered email. 


11:00am sharp from Furnace Avenue!

Detours & Closures

  • Furnace Avenue: closed from the corner of East Main Street (near the Stafford Savings Bank Main Branch) to Silver Street. 

  • High Street: from Furnace Avenue to the corner of Silver Street. 

  • From 9am - noon, a parking ban will be enforced on Main Street.

Questions & Assistance

If you receive an error message upon submittal or have questions, please call 860.851.0243 or email

Stafford Cemetery Map
Memorial Day Parade Route


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