Input Sought for Stafford Brownfield Initiative
To better acquaint community members and stakeholders with the Stafford Brownfields Initiative, a virtual public presentation was held in conjunction with the Board of Selectmen’s Meeting on December 15, 2020. At the meeting, discussion involved defining the Brownfields Grant Program, identifying potential Brownfield sites within Stafford, and sharing adaptive, conceptual reuse scenarios for the former Earl M. Witt Intermediate School. The presentation also included the benefits of the Brownfields program, activities/tasks associated with assessment grant, and similar successful Brownfields projects, plus a Q & A session.
The presentation was hosted, in part, by Town Staff, EPA New England Brownfields Project Officer, the Town’s Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc, of Rocky Hill, Connecticut, and Gamble Associates, an urban design and planning firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
With the current restrictions brought on by COVID-19, virtual input is being sought to initiate planning and reuse efforts.The web-based community outreach is part of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Community-Wide Assessment Grant to assess properties, known as “Brownfields,” that are planned for reuse or redevelopment.
We Want Your Input and Ideas!
We have an opportunity to revitalize and reimagine the use of various sites in Stafford, but we need your thoughts and feedback on the way forward. The Town is currently seeking feedback from citizens on types of redevelopment and revitalization options they think will best serve the community in a future. If you haven't already, please share your favorite concepts or leave a comment with your ideas. Survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/staffordbrownfields
Watch Presentation & Get Involved:
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Your feedback is NEEDED! Please share your thoughts about redevelopment and revitalization in the Town of Stafford.
Download slides from the Stafford Brownfield Initiative Virtual Presentation from December 15, 2020.
Submit a site/property for consideration by the Stafford Brownfields Advisory Committee.
For More Information or Assistance
Follow along on the Town’s website and Facebook for project updates #StaffordCTBrownfields. If you have additional input, questions, or barriers to participation, please contact Amber Wakley, Grants & Marketing Specialist, amberw@staffordct.org, (860) 851-8102.